6 Important Wellness Tips to Adopt for a Healthy 2021

Wellness tips for a healthy 2021

A new year is upon us! Now is a time that many people get in the spirit of reflecting on their goals and wishes for the year ahead, then start putting those ideas into action.

Maybe you want to eat better, move more or manage stress healthier. Maybe you want to quit a nasty habit or spend more time prioritizing self-care.

Whatever your goals for the new year might look like, you will need a strong foundation. Studies show that less than 25% of people stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, mostly because they lacked a clear plan or made resolutions that were not sustainable.

Here are 10 important wellness tips to help you lay a strong foundation for a healthy 2021!

1 – Schedule Your Annual

A visit with your primary care physician is an important preventative measure. Make sure you are up-to-date on your health screenings, lab work and immunizations.

You can also use this appointment to talk about the impact of weight on your health and how to manage it. The Your Weight Matters Challenge can help you do this. Need help finding a provider? Click here for assistance.

2 – Focus on Functional Movement

Get the idea out of your head that you have to exercise solely because you need to lose weight. Physical activity has so many functional benefits, including stress management and better sleep. This year, set measurable and attainable goals for getting more exercise that focus on overall health and well-being, not a number on the scale.

The Centers for Disease Control recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week, plus muscle-strengthening activities at least two days a week.

3 – And Also Functional Nutrition

Eating a healthier diet is also about more than just weight-loss. Nutritious foods fuel your brain and body so they can perform their best. When cleaning up your diet, meal prepping and cooking new dishes, keep in mind all the ways you are benefiting your total health.

4 – Cut Screen Time

A digital detox is good for mental and emotional health as well as your physical health. Replace more screen time this year with activities that will improve your quality of life.

5 – Drop the Need for Perfectionism

Perfection just isn’t possible all of the time. Aim to do your best every day and learn to be content with your efforts. Instead of absolutism when it comes to cultivating healthier habits and getting stuff done, leave some room for moderation and flexibility.

6 – Involve Others in Your Goals

Share your goals with family and friends and ask for their support and accountability. Having a support system is crucial to meeting your goals and for good health in general.

Cheers to a new year and a happy, healthy 2021! 

Source: https://www.yourweightmatters.org/6-important-wellness-tips-to-adopt-for-a-healthy-2021/

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